By Juan Giglio:
President Erdogan’s desire of becoming himself sultan in the
new building of Otoman Empire keep on isolating him from his old allies as
Angela Merkel, she recently snubbed him during the vindication in the Germany
Parliament that told: “Armenian genocide was perpetrated by turkish imperialist
In this context, “the sunni group” formed by: Turkey, Arabia, Qatar, Israel, and a part of the Republican Party keep on loosing the war, because the mercenary bands that support Isis, had to leave Faluya in Irak and they also are going to loose Mandij and Raqqa cities son.
The Shia front leaded by Obama, Bashar, Putin and Iran, and the Pope that promote “5 plus 1 agreement” and the Meeting of Ginebra, is winning because of the bombings, Hezbollah and its circumstantial allies: the kurdish militias that are fighting to impose Democratic Confederalism System.
Isis main defeat is the closing of the access to Turkey related to the lost positions in Mandij city. This is a knock out for Turkey because through its borders it supports the troops of Islamic State, last ones also became an oil and gas smugglers, the oil and gas that come from the conquered places.
The crisis of old imperialist goverments-Israel, Turkey, Arabia- allows that kurdish forces move along.
Despite the conciliatory behaviour of the kurdish leaders, the decision of closing the kantons and the promotion of a Federal Regime for the whole Sirya, attacks the imperialist politics and the local bourgeoisies, they dont want democratization neither autonomy.
To carry on the pillage of the oil and gas sources, Obama and his lackeys need a strong and unificated State in Syria in order to exploit workers and the people leaving in this territory.
The international crisis generated by Lejman Brothers debacle originated a global recessive situation and a response of the masses movement in the most parts of the world. This situation reduces the chances of implementation of economics adjustment plans.
For all these reasons, Obama, Putin and Iran plans’ is not to guarantee the kurdish autonomy, it is to use kurdish democratic intentions to defeat common enemies and then attack their democratic desires.
The tools to proceed will be the Al Bashar Army Forces, Hezbollah and the “fifth column” inside YPG, YPJ and PYD, those leaders that don’t want to continue the Rojava Revolution to the last consecuencies.
The revolutionaries must be next to kurdish people criticizing the intentions of those who don’t want to carry on with the most importat point of the social revolution that is to expropriate the capitalists in order to their property become workers property.
Thus the revolution will be able to count on the sources that allow itself carry on with its most important demacratic intentions: it is to achieve a significative improvement in the quality of life and the level of monetary income for the workers class.
The direct democratic regime must be used to organize a Socialist economy, but it is imposible to built a democratic system with a capitalist and imperialist bourgeoisie because it dominates and distroys the planet in which we leave.
To achieve this goal, it is nessesary to defeat the enemies of democracy, Obama, Rohuani, Barzani,etc. It is posible with the unity of those social and politic sects that are interested in going ahead with this socialist revolution.
A strategic alliance with Unites States, France, Italy, or Iran, will carry the kurdish masses and othe others opressed ethnicities to a non solution condition.
¡Long life to Rojava Revolution! ¡Long life to Mandij and the union of kantons!Let’s go for a democratic Syria building the unique alternative system : the Socialism supported by people assemblies and militias.
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In this context, “the sunni group” formed by: Turkey, Arabia, Qatar, Israel, and a part of the Republican Party keep on loosing the war, because the mercenary bands that support Isis, had to leave Faluya in Irak and they also are going to loose Mandij and Raqqa cities son.
The Shia front leaded by Obama, Bashar, Putin and Iran, and the Pope that promote “5 plus 1 agreement” and the Meeting of Ginebra, is winning because of the bombings, Hezbollah and its circumstantial allies: the kurdish militias that are fighting to impose Democratic Confederalism System.
Isis main defeat is the closing of the access to Turkey related to the lost positions in Mandij city. This is a knock out for Turkey because through its borders it supports the troops of Islamic State, last ones also became an oil and gas smugglers, the oil and gas that come from the conquered places.
The crisis of old imperialist goverments-Israel, Turkey, Arabia- allows that kurdish forces move along.
Despite the conciliatory behaviour of the kurdish leaders, the decision of closing the kantons and the promotion of a Federal Regime for the whole Sirya, attacks the imperialist politics and the local bourgeoisies, they dont want democratization neither autonomy.
To carry on the pillage of the oil and gas sources, Obama and his lackeys need a strong and unificated State in Syria in order to exploit workers and the people leaving in this territory.
The international crisis generated by Lejman Brothers debacle originated a global recessive situation and a response of the masses movement in the most parts of the world. This situation reduces the chances of implementation of economics adjustment plans.
For all these reasons, Obama, Putin and Iran plans’ is not to guarantee the kurdish autonomy, it is to use kurdish democratic intentions to defeat common enemies and then attack their democratic desires.
The tools to proceed will be the Al Bashar Army Forces, Hezbollah and the “fifth column” inside YPG, YPJ and PYD, those leaders that don’t want to continue the Rojava Revolution to the last consecuencies.
The revolutionaries must be next to kurdish people criticizing the intentions of those who don’t want to carry on with the most importat point of the social revolution that is to expropriate the capitalists in order to their property become workers property.
Thus the revolution will be able to count on the sources that allow itself carry on with its most important demacratic intentions: it is to achieve a significative improvement in the quality of life and the level of monetary income for the workers class.
The direct democratic regime must be used to organize a Socialist economy, but it is imposible to built a democratic system with a capitalist and imperialist bourgeoisie because it dominates and distroys the planet in which we leave.
To achieve this goal, it is nessesary to defeat the enemies of democracy, Obama, Rohuani, Barzani,etc. It is posible with the unity of those social and politic sects that are interested in going ahead with this socialist revolution.
A strategic alliance with Unites States, France, Italy, or Iran, will carry the kurdish masses and othe others opressed ethnicities to a non solution condition.
¡Long life to Rojava Revolution! ¡Long life to Mandij and the union of kantons!Let’s go for a democratic Syria building the unique alternative system : the Socialism supported by people assemblies and militias.
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