viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

After the falling coup in Turkey: Erdogans victory is a "Pirro Style"

By Juan Giglio

The falling coup in Turkey strenghened the oficialism which leaders took advantage of these circumstances. They “cleaned” the Army and Judiciary sect consolidating the islamization of the institutions.
This point of view, matches with the AKP intentions of “smashing” political opponents. These opponentents are trying to stop the modification of the current regime. The oficialism wants to turn it out presidentialist in order to concentrate as much power us possible.
 A part of this plan was removing the immunity to hundreds of HDP deputies, many of them were pressed to vote for the change of Constitution.  Erdogan’s strength can be seen in the actitude of AKP militants and other fasist sects such as MHP, they have gone to kurdish cities and HDP buildings to execute “infidels”.
But the oficialism manipulation of recent events shows the weakness and despair of turkish Govertment that is going back in national and international affairs.
Germany, turkish’s strategic ally, have recognized armenian genocide. For that reason, european leaders are trying to avoid that Turkey was incorporated to EU.
However, the most important defeat, have been in the battlefield in Syria, there, Isis is falling against its main enemy: the brave kurdish militias, on the other hand, the kantons are going to be united.
If the kantons are unified, the border between Syria and Turkey would be completely closed so Islamic State would lose its main supporter-Turkey-..
For all these reasons, one of the first Erdogans’ decisions  were to close the Incirlik Militar Base, from this militar base planes took off in order to bomb Isis positions.
In addition to that and the isolated position of Turkey in the international context, the weakness and instability of the Army Forces can be seen in the last days events.
Erdogan will have to face workers and the brave kurdish militias, they are fighting heroically in the south east of Turkey, but now he has got a weaker Army than before.
AKP is mortally wounded because its strategic defeat in the north of Syria, there despite its limits is being born a Social Revolution.
In this context, it is very important to understand that Turkey belongs to an imperialist band which is going back against those who created the 5+1 agreement which was endorsed by Obama, Putin, the Pope and the iranian bourgeoisie. On the other hand, Turkish Goverment belongs to Arabia, Qatar, Israel and a sect of Republican Party band.
So, the coup didn’t occur by chance. There is a counterrevolutionary agreement between the Secretary of State (USA), John Kerry and the russian Minister of Forein Affairs, Sergei Lavrov.
These officials only endorsed Erdogan’s goverment when the coups’ troops started to go back, It shows, at least, some complicity with the insurrectionists.
At the end, the Revolution will win because its opponents suffer from a deep crisis and they are fighting against themselves. Also revolutionaries keep on winning important battles in Syria and Irak.
The revolutionaries must take advantage of these circunstances and participate actively, we must organize solidary activities and send international fighters to be incorporated to the  struggle for freedom and let everybody knows that the best chances for poor and opressed people is: Socialism.
The objective circumtances of the Middle East are very propitious for the struggle for freedom, the defeat of dictatorial goverments, and the necessity of socialist autonomy regions.

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