By Martín Romero
The Executive Committee of PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party)
published an statement en which it says that the Turkey’s currently ruling
party, the AKP, “ is unable to solve neither the problems of the country nor
its democratization”.
The statement emphasized “the necessity of establishing a
bloc formed by the forces of radical democracy in order to achieve the
democratization de Turkey, preventing further coups, and end the oppression and
injustice” (The statement can be read here
We, the staff of “Kurdistan from the South” think that only
the organization of the workers and all the oppressed in Turkey together with
Kurdish Liberation Movement, will be able to defeat the AKP fascist
regime, the pro-coup military clique and
the fabric of “Deep State”.
In the same
way, the unity between Syrian revolutionary movement and popular forces of
Rojava and Northern Syria will be able to consolidate revolution, in order to
spread it and defeat the dictatorships and authoritarian regimes in the region.
The bourgueois leadership of Turkey’s traditional parties
will not be the one who will allow the self determination of Kurdish people.
Nor they will help in the implementation of Democratic Confederalism.
Much for
the contrary, they are likely to stand in the side of the authoritarian state,
be it Kemalist or Islamist-conservative, in order to defeat Kurdistan
Liberation Movement and Turkish democratic and popular forces, as happened in the
Only with the defeat of Erdogan and his ambitions of
building a sultanate it will be possible to advance in that direction, with a
broad calling to all circles supporting a radical democracy, boosting
mobilization in the streets of the cities, the villages and the mountains of
Turkey and Bakur.
In this sense, unity for imposing a true reform of the
Constitution, not through parliamentary agreements between party higher
echelons – as happened up to now- but with a real, democratic Constituent
Assembly, in which the whole population would discuss y solve al its aspects,
is critical.
Within this framework, we will propose socialist measures
and a workers’ and people’s government within a Federation of States and
Autonomous Regions of the Middle East together with self- determination of the
peoples of Kurdistan, for them to be the ones who decide about their own
future, instead of the states oppressing
We, the comrades of “Kurdistan from the South”, commit ourselves to launch
an internationalist call to collaborate, to participate and discuss with all
the organizations, both local and international, as we already have been doing,
to redouble the efforts for breaking the chains of peoples suffering the
repression and the harassment of Turkish regime.